How to create WordPress child theme?
Here is a quick tutorial on how you can create a child theme in WordPress manually. A child theme is a theme that inherits the styles and functionality of another theme, called the parent theme. It’s important to have a child theme when customizing your website, as customizations made to the parent theme may be lost during updates and will not affect the child theme.
To create a child theme, you need three files: style.css, functions.php, and a screenshot. These files can be copied from the parent theme (the active theme your site is using). This video tutorial will give you step-by-step instructions on how you can create a child theme.
Alternatively, you can also use several plugins to create child themes. Here are some of the plugins that can create child themes – Child Theme Wizard, WP Child Theme Generator, WPS Child Theme Generator, Child Theme Creator by Orbisius, etc. Choose the plugin with the highest downloads and ratings. Thank you.
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