At Let’s Learn WordPress, you will get useful information for your WordPress websites. Our main objective is to provide valuable information, tips, and tricks on WordPress which can improve your website in various aspects. This website is a sister company of Hey! Let’s Learn Something – which is another informative website on useful content on iPhone, Windows, and anything practical and useful.
Hey! Let’s Learn Something
Check our other website, Hey! Let’s Learn Something for interesting and useful content on Windows, iPhone, and many more.
Identify page/post from which the contact form 7 was sent
In this video, we will learn how to identify the page or post from which the contact form was generated. For that, simply use the
Create Image Slider for WordPress using CSS and HTML | No Plugin
In today’s video, we’ll learn how we can make the image slider on our WordPress website using HTML and simple CSS
Create a sitemap using custom code
Here’s how you create a sitemap using custom code without plugins. All you have to do is add our custom code to your theme functions
Enable the Classic Editor on WordPress using Custom codes!
Here is how you can enable the Classic Editor on WordPress using Custom code. All you have to do is add the codes to the Theme functions.
Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response
Here is how you can fix “Publishing failed! The response is not a valid JSON response!” on your WordPress website.
WordPress Security: Protect WP login using a Mobile APP and Secure Login Authorization Plugin
Protect your WordPress Login page by using Secure Login Authorization Plugin and its app to control the login on your website.