Add SPF, DKIM, PTR records using cPanel, Namecheap
If you’re using Namecheap shared hosting and need to manage your SPF, DKIM, and PTR records, this guide will show you where to find them in cPanel. These records are crucial for email authentication and ensuring your emails are delivered securely.
To get started, log in to your cPanel account. Once inside cPanel, scroll down until you find the “Email Deliverability” section. This section lists all the domains associated with your cPanel account. In most cases, your hosting provider automatically adds the necessary SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. However, if there’s an issue, you might need to manage them manually.
For instance, if your domain shows an issue with SPF, click on “Manage” to access the DKIM records. These records should be added as TXT records. You’ll also see the SPF records on this page. If you’re hosting your DNS on the same server, you can click on “Install Suggested Record,” and the system will automatically add it to your server. However, if you’re using a third-party service like Cloudflare, you’ll need to add the record there manually.
To do this, open your Cloudflare account, add a new TXT record, and copy the Name and Value from cPanel to Cloudflare. Thank you very much.
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