WordPress security: Block access to wp-admin by Country
In this WordPress security tutorial, we will show you how to enhance the protection of your website by blocking access to the wp-admin login page based on the user’s country. By implementing this technique, you can effectively prevent unauthorized access and potential security threats.
To begin, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the theme functions. Add the provided code snippet, specifying the country from which you want to allow access. For example, if you wish to restrict access to the United States only, use the appropriate country code in the code. Now, anyone attempting to access the wp-admin page will be redirected to the specified URL, and only users with IP addresses from the USA will have access to the login page.
Additionally, please note that if you ever find yourself locked out of your website, you can regain access by accessing the root files via FTP or cPanel and removing the code snippet from the functions.php file located in the themes folder.
Thank you very much.
Do Not use WP theme functions, create WordPress plugin instead!
Protect Your WP Login Page: Add an Extra Layer of Security
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