At Let’s Learn WordPress, you will get useful information for your WordPress websites. Our main objective is to provide valuable information, tips, and tricks on WordPress which can improve your website in various aspects. This website is a sister company of Hey! Let’s Learn Something – which is another informative website on useful content on iPhone, Windows, and anything practical and useful.

Download and install WordPress to Host

How to download and install WordPress in cPanel?

In this video, we will learn how you can download and install WordPress to a domain using Namecheap cPanel.

How to point a domain name to a Host

How to point the domain name to a Host? DNS Configuration

Learn how you can point a Domain Name to a new Host. After pointing the domain to a Host you will be able to create a website on that Host.

Buying a new domain, Namecheap

WordPress tutorial: How to buy a domain? | Namecheap

In this video, we will see how to buy a domain from Namecheap. We will be using this domain to make all our content on WordPress.


How to identify and hide the WordPress theme names?

Liked a website and want to find out the theme it is using? Or do you wish to hide/customize your WordPress theme name?


How to add a YouTube Video Popup to WordPress?

Here’s a short and quick WordPress tutorial video to add a YouTube Video Pop-up to your WordPress website.